Om en vecka är det redan första advent. För att få fart på julkänslorna kommer här ett enkelt recept på en saftig mjuk pepparkaka med lingon.
Mjuk pepparkaka med lingon
25-30 minuter, 175 grader
3 ekologiska ägg
2 1/2 dl strösocker
1 tsk vaniljsocker
50 g smör
3 1/2 dl vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
1 nypa salt
1 dl mjölk
2 msk pepparkakskryddor
1/2 dl lingon
In a week, it is already the first Sunday of Advent. To boost the Christmas spirit, here is a simple recipe of a succulent gingerbread cookie with lingonberries.
25-30 minutes, 175 °C / 347 °F
3 organic eggs
cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
50g butter
1.5 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 pinch of salt
0.4 cups milk
2 tbsp gingerbread
0.2 cups cranberries
Melt butter and stir in the milk. Whip the eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar until it’s white and fluffy, then stir in butter milk in the batter. Mix flour, baking powder and salt and fold gently into the batter. Add the gingerbread spices and stir in the berries. Grease and sprinkle a cake tin with crumbs, pour the batter into it. Bake in center of oven for 25-30 minutes. Try it with a knit, it should not be sticky. Let cool slightly, then invert the tin onto a plate.