Det här inlägget försvann någonstans mellan jobb och förkylning. Men nu så.
En kaka behöver absolut inte vara avancerad för att vara något extra. Och en kaka kan ibland få vara onyttig. Till och med väldigt onyttig. Även fast trenderna säger precis tvärt om. Som den här äppelkakan i långpanna. Egentligen ska det vara vinbär i kakan, men syrliga vinteräpplen och kanel fungerade lika bra.
Äppelkaka i långpanna
175 grader, 30 min
200 gram smör
6 dl strösocker
4 st ägg
6 dl vetemjöl
1 tsk vaniljsocker
ca 4 st äpplen
kanel och florsocker
A cake doesn’t need to be advanced to be something extra. And a cake is also allowed to sometimes be a bit on the not-particulary-good-for-you-side. Even though the trends will tell you the opposite. It’s supposed to be currant in the cake, but sourish apples and cinnamon worked just as well.
Apple Cake
347 °F, 30 minutes
200 gram unsalted butter
2,5 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
2,5 cups purpose flour
1 tsp vanilla sugar
cinnamon and icing sugar
Dress a roasting pan (approx. 30×40 cm) with baking paper. Melt butter in a saucepan and let cool. Stir down sugar, eggs, flour until the batter is smooth. Cut the apples into thin slices. Powder with cinnamon. Divide the apples on top of the batter. Bake in owen at 347 °F for about 25-30 minutes, until the cake has gotten a nice color. Try with a stick if it’s done. Use the baking paper to slide the cake over to an ordinary baking tray and put the roasting pan on top of the cake. Let cool like this. Cut the cake to nice pieces. Powder with icing sugar.