Here’s how you do it! You have a instagram account. You take a picture with your inspiration from Mokkasin. The inspiration is whatever you want, everything you see fit as a Mokkasin Story. It may be something you bought at the Mokkasin store, something you read about on the blog, someone who made DIY from my ideas..Give the picture the tag #mokkasinstories and follow @mokkasinstories.We will choose the pictures we like best and repost them at the account. With a link back to you as the one taking the picture of course. Every month we choose the most beautiful Mokkasin story and reward the winner with a gift card in the store. And this give away is of course open for anyone in the world, where ever you live. And of course, all of you who have already taken those finest Mokkasin Stories, of course, you may give the pictures #mokkasinstories afterwards. So go ahead, give us so many Mokkasin Stories you can find! And do not forget to follow!
Sofia bor med man och 4 barn i ett hus i Sörmland. Hon är bloggare, fotograf och stylist, håller i workshops och gör uppdrag inom PR, inredning, kostym och scenografi. DIY ligger Sofia varmt om hjärtat och hon väljer, så ofta det går, att använda sig av vintage och remake. Bloggen är en salig blandning av sådant som korsar hennes väg, i stort och smått.E-mail:
@sofiaatmokkasinNumera hittar du bloggen Mokkasin här