Idag kikar vi in i det allra finaste sommarhuset som heter Elghammar och är trädgårdsbostaden på just Elghammars slott från 1700-talet. Här bor grundaren, delägaren och kreativa chefen för svenska klädmärket Hope, Ann Ringstrand med familj.
Vid det här bordet har många kollektioner för Hope skapats genom åren.
This is the lovely summer house of Hope brand director and founding owner Ann Ringstrand and her family. It is the gardeners house of Elghammar castle in Sweden. About the interior Ann Ringstrand herself says:
“We moved into this home 12 years ago. Our idea was to create an interior with a 0 kr budget. After 2 years I’ve had it with 0 kr budget, I realized that no vacation is worth having if I don’t have a couch and a toaster. During the years we’ve also collected things from travelling, building simple furniture and finding flea market stuff”.
Just perfect.
The simple life on the countryside.
pics: @annringstrand – borrowed with permission |
You can see more of the gardeners house in Ann Ringstrand’s instagram feed, and don’t miss this relatively new article in Dagens Nyheter about her and the brand Hope.