After a couple of weeks of feeling really meehhh about my creativity, writing and DIY-ing, I decided to just let go and stop overthinking what I should and should not share on the blog. I think the internal blockage came from this idea that all pictures and all the content that I share has to be styled and perfect. But then I started to think differently about the blog and the purpose it serves, for me and for you all who so amazingly follow me on here. Maybe I should give more of myself, more of the non-styled and everyday happenings, maybe that would get my creativity going again. So here it goes!
Last weekend I celebrated my birthday. I’ve never been a birthday type of person. In fact, birthdays have always given me great anxiety. I think it I the whole “planning a celebration for myself” – type of thing that just exacerbates my stress level. But the older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve realised that it is a great opportunity (or excuse) really to gather the people you love the most. So we started the weekend with some hiking in the sun and a quick stop off at the country shop for some cakes and coffee.
After a day out and about we ended up in front of the fire for some relaxation before heading out for the best meal ever at Gloriosa. If you’re ever in Glasgow I cannot recommend this restaurant enough – it is amazing!
And then came the actual birthday!
As always, do press the little heart if you like this post – it brings me so much joy to know that you are reading and liking what I’m writing.
Jag blir så otroligt glad om ni klickar på det lilla hjärtat så jag vet ifall ni gillar det jag gör.